Christopher Fleetcroft is part of the leadership team at Revive Church, Hull, UK. Part of the Revive Network team; a movement of churches and leaders dedicated to building and planting growing, powerful, presence-filled 21st century churches, Chris minsters across the UK and beyond.
Turn your ordinary every day into a Glory-filled every day!
The Holy Spirit encourages us today, to partner with Him and build internal cisterns that will continually catch and store the fullness of life - the life giving Holy Spirit - and release Him wherever needed!
Through the principles contained in this book, learn how to healthily dig out, build and maintain God's systems and structures as He sets them in place in our lives, so that we become natural Glory-Carriers, transforming our every day world and touching those around us!
To love the Holy Spirit is to love these pathways!
In 2018 during a time of prayer, the phrase; “It’s time for the Church to find its voice!” resounded loudly through my mind, accompanied by scenes playing out of a great war raging in the heavenlies above the cities of this nation. I saw the Church asleep; too focused on rearranging the furniture inside her buildings to notice the intense battle being fought above them!
It is time for the Church of God to arise; to rediscover our voice and rediscover our purpose. To take on the responsibility for demonstrating the love of God to the people around us, and shout His goodness into every environment that we are part of. The whole of creation has been waiting for this moment; when the children of God will walk tall into their destiny, clearing out injustice and evil.